At Round Rock ​Foundation Repair Experts, we have dealt with countless foundation problems and concerns, ranging from minor annoyances to catastrophic emergencies. We know firsthand just how varied the needs of our customers can be. That’s why in order to provide a better, more convenient service for customers, we have an extensive list of residential and commercial foundation maintenance and repair services. Please browse through our website to learn more about our most popular services.

We always advocate for proactive measures. Usually, a small investment in order to protect your home or business will pay for itself several times over in the long run. Things such as preventative maintenance for pier beam foundations, root barriers, or waterproofing have the potential to prevent serious damage and costly repair bills from ever occurring in the first place. However, when damage does occur, we are also able to assist.

Prevention is sometimes not enough to stop the inevitable. As with anything else, building materials age and lost their durability and structural integrity. A foundation is not exempt. Eventually, foundation cracks or other foundation problems may arise. Whatever the issue, our foundation specialists can fix it.

List of Services

  • Foundation Repair (Residential & Commercial)
  • Sewer Line Repair
  • Root Barrier
  • Waterproofing
  • Leak Detection
  • Structural Repairs

Other Services
Call  512-746-7223 to inquire about any service not listed here.
